Haha,couldn't think of a better title,so forgive me for the long-winded title.^^||
So far,Bakemonogatari and Pandora Hearts have been exceptionally nice for me but the rest also have some good points in them.^^
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuustsu Second season-Aside from Endless Eight,KyoAni is doing a good job with the animation and the portrayal of Haruhi dancho's different sides in the Sighs arc.Though Endless Eight made me almost dead.><
Princess Lover-It gets more funnier every episode,even when it's supposed to be serious.^^||
Bakemonogatari-I LOVE HITAGI!!!!!!!She's one of the reason I watch this,such a original character and I like the witty dialogue she has with Araragi.SHAFT is great and I like the wierd scenes.^^
Umineko no Naku Koro ni-It's very mind-boggling but I like killer lolis!Maria is so kaii and Beatrice's cackle is nice to hear.^^
Pandora Hearts-Break is my favourite character already,and the story and mystery is really nice.Chibi Vincent is creepy though.
Cross Game-I have never read Adachi Mitsuru's work before but this show is really touching.Aoba's skills is amazing,she deserves to go in to the nationals.^^
Saki-I pretty much like yuri,so the yuri parts is ok for me but I like the mahjong tournaments the most,I even learned mahjong because of this show.Mahjong is fun!
Tokyo Magnitude 8.0-Uguu...there are some hints of Yuuki being dead which I don't want because he's nice and fun and I wonder how Mirai will overcome it.Well,they have to be realistic too,haiz.><
Sora no Manimani-I like particularly everything of the sky,so this show has been amazing for me.The stars and moon and Mihoshi's obsession with astronomy makes me like this show more.I always want to go stargazing after watching this show.But I don't dare to go out at night while my parents are sleeping.^^||
CANAAN-Great animation and I'm quite interested in synesthesia,I already read about it before watching this show.I like Alphard for some reason.^^||
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood-It is quite tense,especially the action.I can't really remember the first season but BONES is doing a good job so far.
Hayate no Gotoku 2-HINAGIKU FTW!!!!I like the comedy a lot and nice story on Nagi but I still prefer Hina-chan!!!^^
This animes are the ones I'm following closely,I dropped some others as I have no time.><
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